当前位置:首页 > 基于单片机的变压器上海一恒真空干燥箱控制系统的改进


[导读]为改善我国大部分变压器生产企业在此工序中人工操作、效率低下的状况, 在综合考虑设备功能的基础上, 结合实际生产需要, 提出了变压器上海一恒真空干燥箱系统的硬件改进方案。

为提高变压器的绝缘电阻等级, 在生产过程中需要对变压器在一定的压力和温度下进行干燥。为改善我国大部分变压器生产企业在此工序中人工操作、效率低下的状况, 在综合考虑设备功能的基础上, 结合实际生产需要, 提出了变压器真空干燥箱系统的硬件改进方案。该方案采用常用的51单片机作为控制核心电路, 发光字符管为显示电路, 配合外围接口电路和功能模块共同完成变压器干燥任务。考虑到实际应用, 增加了参数存储、打印、报警、错误处理等功能。

In order to improve the insulation resistor level of transformer, it needs to desiccate, transformer under certain temperature and pressure in actual producing process.At present, human operation and low efficiency exist in this working procedure of most transformer enterprise.To improve current status, combining with actual manufacture requirement and system function, a hardware scheme is illustrated systemically in this paper, which is used to control transformer-desiccating vacuum box.The system adopts 51 MCU as kernel control circuit, LED as display circuit, combining with periphery circuit and function module, to accomplish transformer-desiccation.Taking into account of actual application, the function, such as saving parameter, printing, alarm, error handling, is added to meet practical requirements.
